$10,000 per month in Google Ads

Google Ad Grants Management

Ad Grants Management


Impact YOUR Mission
Using Google Ad Grants

As part of the Google for Nonprofits initiative, you may be eligible for Google Ad Grants if your organization is a registered 501(c)(3). This special program gives nonprofit organizations access to $10,000 monthly in free ads. That’s $329 in ad spend per day to Impact YOUR Mission!

Yes! You can use Ad Grants to increase donations and sponsorships.

– Contact us to find out how we help our customers raise thousands of dollars per month using Google Ad Grants.

Google Ad Grants History


The Google Ad Grants program has been serving nonprofits since 2003 and has awarded over 115K+ Ad Grant accounts since its conception.

How Ad Grants Works

How it works

Google Ad Grants work just like standard search advertising by displaying text ads alongside search results when people are using Google to learn, to find, to donate and to connect with your not-for-profit organization.

Google Ad Grants Features

Extended features

Google Ad Grants extends the power of search advertising to eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofits at no cost. With up to $10,000 per month in free Google advertising, nonprofits can benefit from professional ad campaigns to connect with their target audiences.

Google Ad Grants Policies

Program policies

Google Ad Grants are governed by a distinct set of program policies and guidelines designed to uphold quality standards and foster valuable connections between people and nonprofits. This is part of the reason why your organization should work with a Certified Agency like ours to maintain your Ad Grant.


Monster Impact: Expert Ad Grants Customization

Monster Impact offers comprehensive monthly management for your Google Ad Grants campaigns. Our expert team will manage your account to ensure optimal performance with strategies tailored to your goals. Whether you’re starting from the application process or need us to take over an existing account, our services will elevate your Google Ad Grants results.

We regularly review ad groups and strategies, making necessary adjustments to enhance performance. Additionally, we conduct quarterly meetings with your team to review progress, discuss results, and align campaign efforts with your evolving goals.


  • Ad Grants Account Liaison
  • Discovery Meeting
  • Expert Account Management
  • Account Support
  • Real-Time Reporting
  • Maintain Ad Grants Eligibility
  • Google Ad Grants Training
Monster Impact
Monster Impact

Maximize your Google Ad Grants with Monster Impact!



If we are unable to get your organization approved for Google Ad Grants, you will receive a 100% refund. This will not hinder you from applying again in the future.

Once approved, we require a 6-month agreement. After that, our services are offered on a month-to-month basis, providing flexibility for your organization. Should you decide to cancel, we will provide hands-on training and ensure your account is in good standing so you can continue to take advantage of the incredible opportunities of Google Ad Grants.


We will serve as your account liaison to Google. As a certified professional agency, we work directly with a specialized team at Google that specializes in Ad Grants. This helps to speed up the process when it comes to applications, getting approvals, and lifting suspensions.

As Google Certified Partners, we’ll apply for a $10,000 monthly recurring grant on your behalf to use for Google Ads. 100% of everyone we’ve applied for has been approved. With Google Ad Grants, you can increase your website traffic by as much as 1,500+ targeted people monthly.

If you already have Google Ad Grants, that’s great! This service is for accounts that already have a Google Ad Grant. This service includes working to lift suspensions, fixing errors in the account, identifying what is already working well, and making improvements wherever we can.


We will conduct a online video meeting with your team to review your website and discuss your organization’s goals in order to better inform our efforts when it comes to structuring your account.


In order to get results with Google Ad Grants, your ad account must have a clear strategy and meaningful conversion tracking must be implemented. The account must also follow specific guidelines in order to continue to receive the Ad Grant each month. We will implement an expert ad account strategy and work with you to ensure a solid foundation is set in place for your campaign. We will structure your account and train your team based on the official program policies and eligibility requirements:

We will review the pages on your website to see if we can use them as landing pages for your ads. Our goal is to identify 1-6 pages to use, as this will give us a good foundation to build your ad account around. We will make suggestions for your current pages and/or provide you with ideas for new pages. We can make the approved changes to your web pages ourselves or work with you and/or your webmaster to get the tasks completed.

We are a team of SEO Experts, Web Developers and Ad Specialists. We will review your website and specifically pages that are being used for the ad campaign. We will make recommendations, create content as needed, and work with your team to make sure your website is meeting your goals.

We will identify the ways in which people search for your organization so we can target them with highly relevant and compelling ads.

Using our landing pages and keyword research, we will create 6 ad groups and ad copy specifically designed to reach your target audience. Your team will review, approve, and edit all ad copy before we publish it to your Google Ad Grants campaign. These ad groups are designed to create a strong foundation to build on as we start getting meaningful traction with your ad campaign.

We will work with you to identify meaningful conversions on your website, such as tracking form submissions, getting directions, links to your affiliate websites, etc. We can handle all of the coding that needs to be implemented or, if you prefer, walk you through doing it yourself. Ad Grants runs on a conversion-based bid structure, so creating meaningful conversions is mandatory for having a successful ad campaign.

This service is included in Monster Launch.

Access to our support team at any time during business hours with 24 hour response times.


We will create a real-time report in Looker Studio that summarizes the performance of your campaigns. This report will include data from your Google Ads account as well as Google Analytics, showcasing your website as a whole and highlighting the specific details of your Google Ad Grants Campaign. Within your standard performance report, we will also pull in data from your organic traffic to blend with data from your PPC (Google Ads Grants) campaigns to help you understand where your web traffic is coming from and how those users interact with your website. This will ultimately lead to learning more about your audience, which will continue to help inform and guide our marketing strategy.


The Google Ad Grants program has compliance requirements that must be met on a monthly basis in order to continue to be eligible for the grant. These requirements can change and new requirements are often introduced. We have many years of experience in dealing with Ad Grants requirements. We leverage this experience to maintain your eligibility and maximize the effectiveness of your ad campaign.


If you decide to cancel management services with Rank Monsters, we will provide your team with 1 hour of hands-on training. Training with an organization that is an expert at managing Ad Grants is a huge value. Our resources will save your team time and money and keep you from potentially losing your grant by getting your account suspended.

In 2018, we were one of the original 9 agencies selected by Google to participate in a year of training to learn how to maximize Ad Grants for grantees. We have continued our education to provide you with the knowledge and expertise to be successful in utilizing the grant. We will provide your team with two training sessions:

  1. The 1st 30 minute training session includes a complete overview of your Google Ad Grants account and reviewing Google’s documentation for maintaining Ad Grants compliance.
  2. The 2nd 30 minute training session is to answer questions that you may have as you start to get more familiar with and begin to manage your ad campaigns yourself.

We will also provide you with an overview of your account and the documentation needed to maintain your Ad Grant Campaign.

Other Management Options

Monster Impact

Monster Launch


Our Monster Launch product is a one-time fee and our services take 8 weeks to complete. This product is perfect for organizations who would like a Google Ad Grants Certified Agency to structure their ad campaign.

At the end of our 8 week service, we will provide you with an overview of the work completed and training material regarding maintaining your account. 


  • Ad Grants Account Liaison
  • Discovery Meeting
  • Expert Account Structure
  • Looker Studio Real-Time Reporting
  • Google Ad Grants Training
  • Account Transition or Monthly Management
RankMonsters Products

Monster Maintenance


We will maintain the eligibility requirements on your account so that you continue to receive the $10,000 grant each month. Your team will be responsible for creating ads, keywords and more. We will review your account to make sure there are no errors or issues that would get the grant suspended.


  • Maintaining Ad Grants Eligibility
  • Account Support
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